Olympics of the Ancient Greeks

The Olympic Games have a fascinating blend of history, culture, and athletic prowess with fun, making them extremely enjoyable and marvel at.

Why was the Olympic Games started?

The Olympic Games have their roots in ancient Greece, in the city of Olympia around 776 BCE. These games were the part of a religious festival in honor of ‘Zeus’, the chief deity of Grecian mythology. Zeus was considered as the “king of the gods,” who controlled the sky, thunder, lightning, justice, law, and order.

According to popular folklore, these games are held to celebrate Heracles’ (a divine hero and son of Zeus), who founded the games to celebrate his success in one of his twelve labors.

When was the First Olympics Event held

The first event to take place in 776 BCE in Olympia, Greece, was a short-foot race called the “stadion.” Over time, more events were added, including wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, and the pentathlon.

The featured games had various athletic competitions, showcasing Greek admiration for physical prowess and competitive spirit with valor.

Olympics’ contribution to uniting the Greeks

The Olympic Games were a rare provision for the often-warring Greeks to compete peacefully together in a period of truce (known as the Olympic truce). This strengthened a sense of unity among Greeks, who shared identity and culture.

Who stopped the Olympics?

The ancient Olympic Games continued for over a millennium until Emperor Theodosius I decided to ban them in 393 CE to promote Christianity and suppress pagan traditions.

Olympics and its four-year cycle

The Greeks had a unique four-year cycle timekeeping system called an Olympiad. This cycle, they chose to reflect the length of the Olympiad. In the present day, the four-year cycle helps host countries manage their economic impact by allowing them to spread the cost of organizing the games and also providing time to recover financially before the next bidding cycle.

The Revival of the Olympics

The modern Olympic Games were revived by Pierre de Coubertin in 1896. The first modern games were held in Athens, Greece. Thereafter, to date, the Olympic Games have only a way forward, and over time, with a balanced schedule for both the ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter Olympics’ being held alternating every two years, it ensures that there is a continuous cycle of major international multi-sport events without overwhelming athletes, organizers, and audiences.

Images Source: Pinterest.com

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