The Evolution of K-Drama: A Journey Through Time

Origins and Influences

Republic of Korea (ROK) the land of Korean dramas popularly known as K-dramas, started a way back in 1921. It is a story about The Evolution of K-Drama, A Journey Through Time.


Its an East Asian nation on the southern half of the Korean peninsula, shares its land border with North Korea, amidst the yellow sea the western border and Sea of Japan defining the eastern border.

The Story Behind

First record of civilized society under Korean Kingdom, is found in Chinese records in early seventh century and later after the unification of the Three kingdoms of Korea- Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla contributed to what we today know as Korea.

From 918-1392 AD, Korea was ruled by the Goryeo dynasty and Joseon dynasty in 1392-1897 (the backbone of all historical Korean dramas.) till it was annexed by Japan Empire in 1910.

Though the Japanese rule ended after the Japan’s surrender in World War II still there is a huge fascination towards Japan, is visible in K-dramas where actors are shown learning Japanese language having frequent business tours to Japan or visiting Janpan for better future (Nice Guy).

The Great Divide: Formation of North and South Korea

After World War II Korea was divided into two zones. North zone was occupied by Soviet Union and the Southern zone was by United States in 1948. All the efforts for the reunification failed repeatedly and after two years in 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea starting the Korean War which ended in 1953.

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of Korean War a series was released in 2010. Comrades-The Legend of the Patriots.

Dramas showing tense relation, love for K-Drama despite being at the loggerhead always get huge response. People from both sides wants to cherish the similarities and privileges the other has.

It Started with Japan

The seeds of K-Drama were sown by Japanese in 1927. Under the Japanese rule the first Radio K-Drama was broadcast, in which only 30% voice actors were Korean and rest of the 70% were Japanese. This was more or less similar to present day podcast.

The television version was started around 1956 with the first Korean movie aired on an experimental channel HLKZ-TV. Unfortunately the movie couldn’t gain the expected popularity because most of the Koreans back then did not have televisions at home.


The period between 1950-1960 was very tough for Koreans. The effect of long wars depressed Koreans immensely. This was the time of Great Depression for the people. Story from the dramas gave them hope for the new and better world, which was the need of the hour.


Eventually, dramas gained so much craze that in 1970, the Police Department of Seoul warned people to stay alert during the time slot of popular drama as many burglaries were reported specially at the time.

Boost from the Government

In the early 1970s as the television sets were gaining popularity Government realizes its worth as a better medium to influence and motivate people about the glory, culture and heritage of the country. But still the audience and the budget both were less and this compelled the makers to produce shows that involve wars that were won, historic figures and romances to get more young audience.

By the end of 1990 Korean government created many other Television stations. New emerging K-pop Bands (H.O.T.) with their Korean wave/Hallyu movement also helped K-Drama in spreading its wings overseas.

With the display of culture, values, great costumes, scenic background, unique stories and delectable food, K-Drama gain its exponential popularity with no look back.

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