Traits of  Toxic people who pretend to be Victims

Fabricating Issues

Portrays themselves as a victim in various situations consistently emphasizing how others have wronged them.

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Blaming Others 

Consistently blames others for their problems or failures, refusing to take responsibility for their actions or mistakes.

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Manipulative Behavior 

They might use guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or passive-aggressive tactics to get their way. 

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Constantly seeks attention or validation from others, often by portraying themselves as oppressed or mistreated. 

Image: Pinterest

Inconsistent Narratives 

They might tell different versions of the same story to different people or to fit their current needs. 

Image: Pinterest

Lack of Genuine Empathy 

fail to offer support when needed but expect others to cater to their needs.

Image: Pinterest

Over-emphasis on Victim Identity 

They may use their victim status as a shield or excuse for their behavior or failures.

Image: Pinterest

Isolation Tactics 

They subtly discourage you from spending time with others or criticize your relationships with friends and family. 

Image: Pinterest

Identifying traits of individuals who may present themselves as victims or oppressed in relationships, is a first step towards a peaceful future.

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